Page 6 - 104年09月消防月刊(全)
P. 6
專題報導 Special ReportSpecial Report
■ 11 個特優團體手握獎牌與消防
署副署長黃能漢(左 6)合影,
救災急先鋒 生命共同體
104 年全國災害防救團體、婦女防火宣導隊及鳳凰
Disaster rescue vanguard
2015 national disaster prevention and rescue group, women’s fire safety
promotion team and Phoenix volunteer corps evaluation and commendation
今(104)年 7 月 24 日下午,在一片歡喜聲中,約 250 位來自全臺各縣市的災害防救團體、婦
至消防署接受表揚,122 個獲獎單位神采奕奕的上臺,以消防員的行禮規格,從副署長黃能漢手上接
Amidst cheers 250 members of disaster prevention and rescue teams, women’s fire prevention safety promotion teams
and Phoenix volunteer squads gathered together at the NFA. They were there to be commended after passing the annual
reevaluation. Members of 122 units took the stage in succession and with the salute of firefighters and happily received
their plaques of merit from Deputy Director of the NFA Huang Neng-han. They all said that they will continue to do
their best in their posts, easing the burden of regular firefighters, and protecting lives and property.
4 消防月刊 2015.9