Page 6 - 104年05月消防月刊(全)
P. 6
專題報導 Special Report
104 年
Summary of implementation of 2015 narrow road public safety
joint supervision
102 年 1 月 15 日新竹縣新埔鎮民宅火災,造成民眾 1 人死亡,總統府、行政院、監察院及社會
巷公安聯合督導實施計畫」,邀集交通部、警政署、營建署及消防署於 102 年 4 月 11 日至 7 月 4 日
及 103 年 1 月 3 日至 23 日,前往全國 22 直轄市、縣 ( 市 ),分 2 階段進行督導,並將建議事項提供
In earlier times, houses construction in Taiwan generally did not follow urban development plans and due to the
shortage and land and high population density, many of the roads between buildings are arrow and winding. Some
spaces originally designated as fire prevention lanes became roads when buildings were rebuilt. Accessing these narrow
roads is difficult for vehicles and the level of importance attached to road planning differs between local governments;
sometimes, to allow parking by residents, road markings and signs that should be clear are incomplete. Consequently,
when a fire occurs in a building on a narrow road it is often difficult for a fire truck to quickly reach the scene in fight
the fire and carry out rescue, thus, the level of difficulty of rescue and the likelihood of loss of life and property are
On January 15, 2013, one person was killed in a house fire in Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County; the Office of the
President, the Executive Yuan, the Examination Yuan and all quarters of society were extremely concerned by the fact
that the rescue had been delayed due to the narrowness of the road. To strengthen the public safety management of
narrow roads, the Ministry of Interior formulated the Narrow Road Public Safety Joint Supervision Implementation
Plan; bringing together the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the National Police Administration, the
Construction and Planning Agency and National Fire Agency, supervision was carried out in two stages from April 11 to
July 4, 2013 and January 3 to 23, 2014 in all 22 cities and counties; suggestions were then provided to the various local
governments, and repeat checks and monthly follow up inspections were carried out.
4 消防月刊