Page 6 - 消防月刊11月號
P. 6

解釋火場 & 防範未然
Know the Fire Scene and Fire Prevention—Let No Fire Tragedy Repeat Itself
 ◆ 圖.文 / 消防月刊編輯室
1844 年,美國北卡羅萊納州(State of North Carolina)的德罕郡(Durham County)發生 礦坑爆炸事件,不幸造成 95 人罹難身亡。家屬悲傷欲絕之餘,透過律師向當時的首相羅伯特.皮 爾(Robert Peel)陳情請願,希望政府協助查明事件原因。最後調查結果出爐,確定事件起因於 礦坑的灰塵所導致,專家同時建議改善環境通風系統杜絕後患。遺憾的是,礦坑主人礙於成本考 量並未採納建議;於是,礦坑通風系統這個潛在風險依舊,數十年後仍未見任何改善工程。
In 1844, a mine explosion occurred in Durham County, State of North Carolina, killing 95 people. The grieving family pleaded with Robert Peel, then Prime Minister, to offer government support in identifying the cause of the accident. As it turned out, the accident was caused by dust in the mine. To prevent history from happening again, it was suggested that the ventilation system should be improved. Yet, regrettably, it was not adopted by the mine owner due to cost considerations. Therefore, there has been no improvement on this poor ventilation system, which remains a potential risk even after decades.

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