Page 28 - 消防月刊11月號
P. 28

 119 火災通報裝置
工作研討 119 Fire Reporting Devices—Analysis and Refinement on False Alarm
若稱火警自動警報設備是帶動消防安全設備的火車頭,那 119 受理報案與派遣更是啟動消防 搶救的前號角;107 年 10 月 17 日修正發布「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」部分條文,在第 22 條之 1 即規範新設立之醫院、療養院、榮譽國民之家、長期照顧服務機構(、老人福利機構、 護理機構、身心障礙福利機構使用之場所,不限面積都應設置 119 火災通報裝置,並自 108 年 1 月 1 日起正式施行。
Just as the automatic fire system plays a fast role in fire safety equipment, 119 reporting and dispatching services serve as. a wakeup call for fire rescue. On October 17, 2018, the regulation "Standards for Installation of Fire Safety Equipment Based on Use and Occupancy" was amended, in which Article 22-1 required that 119 fire reporting devices should be installed in places such as newly established hospitals, nursing homes, veterans homes, and long-term care institutions (including senior citizens’ welfare institutions, nursing care institutions, and welfare institutions for the hardicapped), regardless of how big a building is. The regulation came into force on January 1, 2019.
◆ 圖.文 / 新北市政府消防局 林登港

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