Page 24 - 消防月刊9月號
P. 24

工作研討 Can Simplifying Instruction on Chest Compressions Improve the Quality of CPR?
到院前心肺功能停止(OHCA)為緊急救護中棘手案件,早期給予高品質心肺復甦術(CPR) 是救活到院前心肺功能停止患者之關鍵。
追蹤 101-102 年韓國全國到院前緊急醫療成人救護案件,發現到院前心肺功能停止患者,僅 45.4% 旁觀者協助給予心肺復甦術,顯示旁觀者早期給予心肺復甦術仍偏低。因此近年來內政部 消防署致力於推動派遣員協助心肺復甦術(DA-CPR),在民眾報案時早期辨識到院前心肺功能 停止患者,並於電話中協助旁觀者對患者進行心肺復甦術,期望提升 OHCA 患者存活率及出院後 神經學變化。
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is hard to grapple with in emergency rescue. The key to saving OHCA patients is giving them high-quality CPR as soon as possible. However, according to the related medical records in South Korea during 2012-13, only 45.4% of passersby took action to give CPR to OHCA patients, which left room for improvement. Therefore, the Fire Department of the Ministry of the Interior, has been committed to promoting dispatcher- assisted CPR (DA-CPR) in recent years. In DA-CPR, passersby perform CPR under telephone guidance from trained dispatchers so as to improve the survival rate of OHCA patients and their neurological condition after discharge.
◆ 圖.文 / 桃園市政府消防局 李佳珉

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