Page 27 - 消防月刊8月號
P. 27
▲ 圖 1 119 報案 APP 下載 QR Code 壹、前言
◆ 圖.文 /內政部消防署 蘇晶新
為更新全國「119 勤務指揮派遣系統」軟硬體設備並結合現今資(通)訊科技,消防署於 107 年及 108 年推動辦理「提升 119 勤務指揮派遣系統功能建置案」2 年中程計畫,以強化救災 救護之報案受理與線上即時派遣及搶救效能。
另有感於近年來科技日新月異,資通訊技術快速更新,如智慧型行動裝置、4G 無線寬頻、 GPS 及影像傳輸等技術,且 APP 使用日益廣泛,消防署為增加報案途徑及縮短受理時間,特別 於前開計畫 108 年度開發建置全國版「119 報案 APP」,並於 108 年 12 月 16 日上架 Andorid 版 及 109 年 2 月 29 日上架 iOS 版,供全國民眾免費下載使用。
In order to upgrade the 119-service command and dispatch system and adopt the latest communication technology, the Fire Agency has implemented a two-year project since 2018 to accelerate the reporting process for disaster relief and improve the effectiveness of real-time dispatch and rescue.
In addition, in view of significant innovations in communication technologies in recent years such as smart mobile devices, 4G wireless, GPS, image transmission and the growing use of Apps, the Fire Agency has developed a "119 Reporting App" for the public so as to open up new reporting channels and speed up the process. This free App has been available to download for Android users (since Dec. 16, 2019) and for iOS users (since Feb. 29, 2020).
建置全國版「119 報案 APP」
工作研討 The 119 Reporting App Developed by the Fire Agency of the Ministry of the Interior