Page 6 - 消防月刊5月號
P. 6

 專題報導   專題報導 辦理防救災緊急通訊系統 更新計畫執行成果 Result of Upgrading Emergency Communication System SPECIAL REPORT  壹、計畫緣起 臺灣位於環太平洋地震帶上,天然災害如地震、風災、水災頻繁發生,加上近年來都市建設 不斷擴張,人口密度攀升,高科技工業園區密集發展工廠林立,造成災害導向多元化,如氣爆、 化學災害、核災等,嚴重危及民眾的生命財產。 為使意外發生時,救災緊急通訊系統能發揮最大的救災功效,事前應做好萬全的準備與規劃, 如民國 89 年 921 大地震在災害發生時,因為多方公營、民營電信業者通訊基地臺發生故障,救 難人員無法即時使用通訊設備進行聯絡,增加救災上的困難,導致部分地區災情無法掌握,被認 為是導致重大傷亡的主要原因之一。 Taiwan is located in the Pacific Rim Earthquake Belt. Therefore, natural disasters such as earthquakes, windstorms, and floods occur frequently. In recent years, however, new kinds of disasters such as gas explosion, chemical disasters, nuclear disasters also strike, due to the expansion of city construction, the increase of population density and the rapid development of high-tech industrial parks. These disasters hold people’s lives and property in danger. In order to make the best of emergency communication system when a disaster strikes, we should make thorough preparation in advance. Otherwise, history would repeat itself. For example, when the 921 earthquake hit in 2000, rescuers had difficulty communicating via devices because the communication base stations of different telecommunications companies, public or private, were destroyed. Rescuers under such circumstance couldn’t know what happened to some areas, and this is believed to be one of the main causes of heavy casualties. 01 ◆ 圖.文 / 消防月刊編輯室 

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