Page 28 - 消防月刊5月號
P. 28

 工作研討 WORK DISCUSSION  ◆ 圖.文 /臺北市政府消防局 林乙越 火場中最為麻煩的敵人不是火,而是濃煙。如同明槍易躲,暗箭難防,火場內的煙阻礙視線, 除了窒礙搶救作為的執行外,更將火場內部的危險致命點直接遮蓋起來,等著消防搶救人員踏進, 造成嚴重傷亡。 使用扁帶作為火場內個人搜索繩 之心得感想 工作研討 Feedback on Using a Flat as a Search Rope at a Fire Location   The worst enemy at a fire location is not a fire but heavy smoke, as it often blocks the view, making emergency services much more difficult. Worse yet, it often blinds firefighters to the most dangerous places, causing them to fall prey and get seriously injured.                              23  

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