Page 7 - 106年10月消防月刊
P. 7

Special Report  專題報導

             To thoroughly implement the Disaster Prevention and Protection Act and enhance promotion of September 21,
             the National Disaster Prevention Day Central Emergency Operation Center Field Coordination Post situation
             drill was held. The main aims were also to assess the government’s crisis handling in face of an integrated
             large-scale disaster after a large earthquake strikes and the scene management and coordination ability of the
             Central Emergency Operation Center, Field coordination post, county/city emergency operations centers and
             incident command posts, and test and verify and display a vertical and horizontal inter-unit disaster scene
             integration mechanism, to increase the government’s earthquake disaster scene management and coordination
             capability, thus increasing national disaster resilience in the event of the occurrence of a major disaster.

                 消防署於 106 年 9 月 21 日(星期四)上午                     中央災害應變中心進一步了解災情狀況,並與地

             9 時 21 分開始至下午4時辦理中央災害應變中                           方政府災害應變中心協調聯繫,瞭解支援需求,
             心前進協調所狀況演練,另由國防部、衛生福利                              進而協調相關救災人員及資源之調度。

             辦。本次狀況推演主要演練模擬地震發生後,災                                  一、災害情境想定
             情傳出,中央災害應變中心人員前往指定地點,                                  (一)彰化(芬園)地震,彰化斷層,規模
             成立及進駐中央災害應變中心前進協調所,協助                              7.3,深度 10km。

                                                                                   消防月刊 2017.10             5
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