Page 6 - 106年6月消防月刊封面
P. 6

專題報導 Special Report



             Base in Taiwan, eyes on the world

             NFA Training Center-Students and staff from the UK’s Coventry University



                我國歷經 88 年 921 大地震災後,政府為保障民眾生命財產安全,本著「前事不忘,後事之師」
           的態度,除了悼念地震中逝世的災民與警惕自然災害的威脅,並於 89 年訂定每年 9 月 21 日為「國家

           防災日」;消防署也修訂災害防救法第 16 條「為處理重大災害搶救等應變事宜,內政部消防署應設

                政府深感救災的重要性,責由消防署於 921 地震傷亡慘重的南投縣,建立世界第 3 大的訓練中心,

           After the Great Chichi Earthquake of September 21, 1999, to protect people’s lives and property, based on the
           attitude of learning from the past, in addition to mourning the dead and becoming extra-vigilant with regard
           to the threat of natural disasters, the government also made September 21 every year National Disaster Day
           in 2000. The NFA also amended Article 16 of the Disaster Prevention and Rescue Act: “The NFA should
           establish a training center to prepare to respond to major disasters” to carry out disaster emergency response
           and disaster rescue personnel training.
           Deeply aware of the importance of disaster rescue, the NFA gave Nantou County, which suffered a large
           number of casualties in the 1999 quake, the responsibility of setting up the world’s third biggest fire service
           training center, behind only The Fire Service College in the UK and Texas A&M University Fire Training
           Center in the US. The aim is to remind all the members of civil rescue groups, fire department firefighters, and
           ROC army disaster rescue personnel trained at the center to always remember the historic tragedies that have
           taken place in this. It is these past tragedies that provide us with the motivation to try to always improve!

           4    消防月刊 2017.6
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