Page 7 - 106年消防月刊1月號(全)
P. 7
Special Report 專題報導
When people encounter disaster their first response is to call 119. Firefighters will get to the scene as quickly as they can
and do their best to protect life and property. To express respect and gratitude to firefighters for their selfless contribution,
the National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior held the model commendation ceremony for the winners of the
Phoenix Award from the ranks of firefighters, volunteer firefighters, fire prevention advocates and volunteer ambulance
personnel from across Taiwan on January 19, 2017. The winners were received by President Tsai Ing-wen, and presented
with their award by Premier Lin Chuan and Minister of the Interior Yeh Jiunn-rong.
The ceremony began at 111 on January 19. Accompanied by Minister of the Interior Yeh Jun-rong and NFA Director
■文/消防月刊編輯室 General Chen Wen-lung, the 69 winners went to the Office of the President where they were received by President
Tsai. At 4pm the same day, the commendation ceremony for the Phoenix Award was conducted in the International
Conference Hall on the 15th floor of the United Development Building at Dapinglin in Xindian, New Taipei City. The
winners were presented with trophies, medals and badges by Premier Lin and Minister Yeh. The President, Premier and
Minister all expressed their great admiration and sincere thanks to the award winners for their outstanding performance
in their posts and spirit of selfless giving.
當選 105 年「鳳凰獎」楷模的消防人員共計 蔡總統接見「鳳凰獎」楷模
69 名,包括 30 名消防楷模、30 名義消楷模、6
名防火宣導楷模及 3 名救護志工楷模,他們是從 蔡英文總統 19 日上午特別接見 105 年「鳳
全國 1 萬多名消防員、3 萬多名義消人員、6 千 凰獎」楷模得獎人,除對消防同仁、義消人員、
多名婦宣姐妹及 3 千多名救護志工中脫穎而出, 防火宣導夥伴及救護志工朋友表達敬意,也期許
他們之中有的曾參與復興空難救災,有的則曾負 獲獎者能持續精進專業能力,增強我國災害防救
責維冠大樓倒塌救難。 能力,使人民的生活更有保障。
消防月刊 2017.1 5