Page 39 - 105年12月消防月刊(全)
P. 39

Work Discussion  工作研討



              應變之探討                                                             ■文/高雄市政府消防局 郭明忠


            Fongshan District, Kaohsiung City

            Discussion of fire station  duty response after suspension of personnel
            leave  during Typhoon Meranti



             務應變之模式。該文特針對高雄市鳳山區 3 個不同級別之分隊進行分析探討,期能找出更有效率的


             On the eve of Mid-Autumn Festival 2016, Typhoon Meranti inflicted serious damage on Kaohsiung; signs
             were destroyed, street trees blown over, low lying areas were flooded, cars damaged and houses fell down,
             and there were gas leaks and electrical fires. A large number of emergency calls  flooded into the fire
             department emergency response  center and Kaohsiung City Emergency Operations Center. Despite the
             fact that the fire department had cancelled leave in advance in readiness for the typhoon, the large amount
             of incidents requiring assistance put fire stations under heavy pressure. To ensure the safety of the lives and
             property of citizens and make the fire stations most effective, it is necessary to obtain an understanding of
             the duty response model of fire stations after leave was suspended. Three fire stations of different grades in
             Fongshan District, Kaohsiung City are analyzed and discussed in this article, the aim being to find a more
             effective way of allocating fire department resources for reference in improving the planning of typhoon leave
             suspension and duty to meet the challenge of future typhoons.

                                                                                   消防月刊 2016.12            37
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