Page 6 - 消防月刊-105年10月號
P. 6

專題報導 Special Report



            新竹市 7 度蟬連總冠軍 新北市精神總錦標第一

             Volunteer firefighters gather in New Taipei City
             Fire heroes compete for top honors


           第     11 屆全國義勇消防人員競技大賽於 105 年 10 月 29 日在新北市板橋第一運動場熱烈舉辦,各縣

                 市暨各港務消防隊共有多達 26 支義消隊伍共襄盛舉,參與人數超過 6,000 人以上。今年的競賽
           項目計有「小幫浦射水」、「負重救生」、「著裝競賽」及「基本繩結」等 4 項,每隊皆摩拳擦掌、

           The 11  National Volunteer Firefighters’ Competition  took the stage amidst great excitement at Banqiao First
           Sports Ground on October 29, 2016. 26 volunteer firefighter teams from city/county and harbor fire brigades
           joined the grand occasion, with over 6000 people taking part. This year, the events were shooting water using a
           small pump, weighted rescue, firefighting coat putting on, and basic knot-tying. Every team was keen to do well
           and return home bathed in glory. Also, a tug-of-war event requiring team unity was added to the Spirit Award
           competition, adding to the excitement of the competition overall.

                                 ■ 26 縣市義消參賽選手隊伍在各隊隊旗的帶領下進入會場,為競技大賽揭開序幕。

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