Page 6 - 105年消防月刊5月號(全)
P. 6

專題報導 Special Report



             Introduction of fire prevention seminar drill materials


                                                     自     消防法實施,消防署及各級消防機關依法要求相關

                                                     模以上供公眾使用建築物實施防火管理制度已屆 20 年,

                                                     成效相當良好。以 104 年為例,應實施防火管理之場所,
                                                     之考量,於 104 年 6 月 29 日修正消防法施行細則第 14 條,

                                                     將防火管理人初訓時數調整為 12 小時、複訓調整為 6 小


           Since the implementation of the Fire Services Act, National Fire Agency and other fire departments require
           related sites to establish fire safety facilities, regularly conduct inspection reporting, use flameproof materials,
           and implement fire prevention management. We use every opportunity to advocate fire safety knowledge, in
           order to upgrade people’s fire prevention and response ability. According to the regulations of the Fire Services
           Act, the fire prevention management system for public buildings over certain scale has been used for over 20
           years. It has been very effective. For example, in 2015, the percentage of places that should implement fire
           prevention management, hire fire prevention manager, and formulate fire protection plans and had actually
           done so was over 95%. In order to upgrade training efficiency and reduce the training burden of fire prevention
           managers, on June 29  2015, we revised the detailed regulations of Article 14 in the Fire Services Act. The
           training hours for fire prevention managers have been adjusted to 12 hours, re-training hours have been adjusted
           to 6 hours, and the basis of fire prevention manager seminar training courses has been revised accordingly.

           4    消防月刊 2016.5
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