Page 6 - 105年2月消防月刊(全)
P. 6

專題報導 Special Report

             ■ 2 月 6 日凌晨 3 時 57 分,南臺灣發生規模 6.4 大地震,臺南市永康區國光五街的維冠金龍大樓攔腰折斷,消防人員在斷垣殘壁中搜救受困住戶。



               Full record of the Tainan Earthquake Rescue
               Paying Respects to All Rescue Personnel


                         年 2 月 6 日凌晨 3 點 57 分,高雄美濃發生芮氏規模 6.4 的大地震,全臺各縣市都感受
           105 到「地牛」翻身的威力,鄰近美濃數十公里的臺南市永康區感受到劇烈搖晃,十一棟

           成ㄇ字型的大樓自一樓攔腰折斷,其中 H、I 兩棟壓住 A、G 兩棟,碎裂的建築阻斷了永大路,也壓毀

            At 03:57 on February 6, 2016, Meinong in Kaohsiung was hit by an earthquake that registered 6.4 on the
            Richter Scale and was felt all across Taiwan. The ground shook violently in Yongkang District, Tainan City,
            dozens of kilometers away, causing 11 buildings to either collapse or tilt, and scaring the residents severely.
            The Wei-guan Golden Dragon Building on Guoguang 5th St. was uprooted  and the shaped building broke in
            half, with H and I block falling onto A and G blocks, the collapsed building blocking Yongda Road, crushing
            nearby houses and breaking a  water main, causing water to gush out,. Disturbing screams, moans and cries
            for help from victims rang out in the darkness. Local residents rushed out of their homes and could not
            believe the terrifying devastation before their eyes.

           4    消防月刊 2016.2
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