Page 13 - 104年09月消防月刊(全)
P. 13
Work Discussion 工作研討
Work Discussion 工作研討
Investigation into improving behavior around public hazardous
substances places and fire hazards
■文/內政部消防署 何遠榮
消防法第 15 條第 1 項規定:「公共危險物品及可燃性高壓氣體應依其容器、裝載及搬運方法進
的參考運用,爰參據日本總務省消防廳消防白皮書(平成 25 年版)危險物設施防災對策內容暨各直
轄市、縣(市)消防局及消防署所屬港務消防隊所報 98 年至 103 年火災事故調查結果予以研析,並
The first item in clause 15 of the Fire Service Act stipulates: "Public hazardous substances and flammable pressurized
gases shall be safely handled depending on their containers, loading and handling methods, and shall be stored or
disposed with safe methods at where they are manufactured, stored or disposed once they have reached the specified
quantity for control." The clause also stipulates the "Manufacture Standards and Safe Processing Measures for Public
Hazardous Substances & Flammable Pressurized Gases ". These standards determine the current safety procedure in
storage and control of public hazardous substances & flammable pressurized gases. These standards act as the relevant
safety regulations, fire hazard prevention measures and a reference for use in training public safety superintendents.
Based also on the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Fire Department White Paper (2014
Edition) regulations on dangerous goods facilities and fire hazard prevention and the results of an investigations into all
fire incidents reported between 2009 and 2014 by Taiwan's municipality and county fire departments, fire stations and
their affiliated fire brigades, these measures propose various relevant improvements to be made.
依據「公共危險物品及可燃性高壓氣體設 存場所」、「室外儲存場所」、「室內儲槽場所」、
置標準暨安全管理辦法」第 3 條規定,公共危險 「室外儲槽場所」、「地下儲槽場所」、「第一
物品計有「氧化性固體」、「易燃固體」、「發 種販賣場所」、「第二種販賣場所」及「一般處
火性液體、發火性固體及禁水性物質」、「易燃 理場所」等 7 種。
液體」、「自反應物質及有機過氧化物」及「氧 (一)98 年至 103 年公共危險物品場所火
化性液體」等 6 類;同辦法第 5 條至第 7 條規定, 災事故統計分析,如表 1(見第 17 頁):
消防月刊 11
消防月刊 2015.92015.9