Page 28 - 103年消防月刊 2月號 (全)
P. 28

Fire Safety Monthly

                           雲梯車射水與消防栓佔水源之                                                  建議事項

                           Recommendations regarding fire attacks by ladder

                           trucks and fire hydrants available

                                                                                 圖 / 文 臺北市政府消防局 林弘崧


                 Fires in continuous wooden bungalows are extinguished by spraying water from the ladder truck.  For
            fires three floors or above, water is sprayed from the outside to prevent the fire from spreading upwards or
            into its surroundings.  The hose of the ladder truck may also be extended to the insides of a building.  These
            are methods commonly used by firefighters.  However, when spraying water, how much pressure should be
            used?  How much volume of water should the nozzle of the ladder truck hold?  For these questions, there are
            no clear answers.  The only thing that is known is that the volume and pressure of the water in the nozzles of
            ladder trucks should be larger than those of standard nozzles.  However, the exact amounts are not known.
            When spraying water, the operators of the ladder truck visually monitor the release of water by the nozzle.
            When they feel that there is not enough water or that it is not spraying far enough, they use their radios to
            call the driver of the water tank truck to increase the pressure.  Again, this is a method of operation based on
                 Another problem that arises is inadequate sources of water at the site of a fire.  Often, there are nozzle
            operators within the site of the fire.  On the outside, water is sprayed from the ladder truck to prevent the
            spread of the fire (the fire is never directly attacked from the outside, since this would jeopardize the safety
            of the nozzle operators inside) However, there is a vast amount of water being sprayed from the ladder truck.
            This drains the water supply at the site too quickly and causes the nozzle operators within the site to run out
            of water.  As a result, there must be an understanding of the amount of water being sprayed from the ladder
            truck and the amount being supplied by a fire hydrant for there to be an effective level of usage.

            一、雲梯車瞄子介紹(詳見參考資料1)                                      以AKROMATIC®NOZZLESTYLE 5177為
                 一般水箱車朝天瞄子為固定口徑,但可                             例(詳見參考資料2),其規格為出水量250-
            調整直線、水霧射水。因為口徑固定,所以要                               1,250 GPM (950-4,800 L/min),額定放水壓
            靠改變放水壓力來改變出水量,同時也改變射                               力 80 psi (5.5 kg/cm ),最大放水壓力 200 psi
            程。雲梯車瞄子與一般水箱車朝天瞄子不同,                               (14 kg/cm )。意即操作雲梯車瞄子放水時,
            除了可以控制直線、水霧外,還能夠維持瞄子                               若瞄子口壓力小於80 psi(5.5 kg/cm ),則射
            口放水壓力並改變出水量,其原因何在?它具                               水情形與一般朝天瞄子相同,即瞄子口壓力愈
            備精準的壓力平衡控制機制,能夠適當地調整                               大,放水量也越大。但瞄子口壓力達到額定放
            瞄子口徑大小以改變出水量,並藉此維持額定                               水壓力 80 psi(5.5 kg/cm )後,此時消防幫浦
            壓力。                                                再加壓,瞄子口壓力並不會上升,仍將維持80

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