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2020 國家防災日
2020 National Disaster-Prevention Day: Protecting Our Homeland Against Earthquakes
 ▲ 蔡英文總統在大規模震災消防救災演練現場上呼籲國人,防救災工作「沒有最好,只有更好」
1999 年 9 月 21 日凌晨,臺灣發生「921 大地震」(集集大地震),造成兩千多人死亡、一 萬多人受傷,以及十萬多棟房屋倒塌等的嚴重傷亡與損失,在臺灣人的心中留下深刻難忘的悲傷 回憶。事後,政府決定將每年的 9 月 21 日訂定為「國家防災日」,哀悼紀念這場地震災難無辜 受難的亡者,同時也警惕大家牢記教訓,正視嚴謹面對自然災害。
921 大地震發生後,政府更加重視民眾的防災知能,因此每年推廣與地震有關的避難知識與 防災技能,並且加強與民眾溝通各種災害風險。希望能針對地震這個不可預知的天然災害,全力 聚焦在「防災」與「救災」兩大主要重點,反覆強化民眾的危機意識、持續再提升災害的應變能力, 並且具體落實日常生活中各項自主性防災準備。
On the early morning of September 21, 1999, a massive earthquake (aka. Jiji earthquake) hit Taiwan, killing more than 2,000 people; over 10,000 people were injured, and some 100,000 houses collapsed. The casualties and losses have left a deep scar in the heart of many Taiwanese. A year later, September 21 has been as designated as the "National Disaster-Prevention Day" by the central government to mourn the innocent victims. Meanwhile, it is also important that everyone should keep in mind the lesson and take potential natural disasters seriously.
◆ 圖.文 / 消防月刊編輯室

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