Page 6 - 消防月刊8月號
P. 6
「成立 20 週年紀念專書發表暨表揚活動」
The National Rescue Coordination Center Held a Recognition Ceremony and a Book Launch to Mark Its 20th Anniversary
▲ 行政院國家搜救指揮中心辦理「成立 20 週年紀念專書發表暨表揚活動」,長官與獲表揚的搜救有功人員大合照
◆ 圖.文 / 消防月刊編輯室
89 年 7 月 22 日「八掌溪事件」發生 2 天後,行政院國家搜救指揮中心成立,整合各搜救相 關部會海、陸、空救災資源,20 年來有效提升人命搜救時效。
今年 7 月 24 日適逢成立 20 週年,特別假臺北市文山區星靚點花園飯店舉辦「成立 20 週年 紀念專書發表暨表揚活動」,邀請各搜救相關部會主官(管)、財團法人消防發展基金會及財團 法人臺灣獅子會基金會等各界貴賓一同共襄盛舉,活動由行政院長蘇貞昌、國防部副部長張哲平 上將、內政部次長陳宗彥等與會貴賓共同為紀念專書揭幕,象徵政府搜救體制 20 年來的成長與精 進,揭幕後由院長頒獎表揚 109 年度搜救有功人員及資深辛勞搜救有功人員,並由成功獲救民眾 現身感謝當時救援英雄,場面溫馨感人。
Two days after the Bazhang River Incident occurred on July 22, 1990, the National Coordination Center of the Executive Yuan was established to muster disaster-relief resources from land, sea, and air. It has greatly improved the efficiency of rescue work in the past 20 years.
As July 24 this year marks the 20th anniversary of the National Rescue Coordination Center, a recognition ceremony and a book launch were held in celebration at the Sing Liang Dian Garden Banquet Hotel in Wen-shan District, Taipei City. Distinguished guests were invited, including directors of the related departments and representatives of the Fire Protection Development Foundation and of the Lions Clubs Taiwan Foundation. The ceremony was inaugurated by Premier Su Zhenchang, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Defense Zhang Zheping, and Vice Minister of the Ministry of the Interior Chen Zongyan. It represented the progress of the national rescue system over the past 20 years. After the inauguration, Premier Su recognized the hard work of the rescue team members this year, who were in turn thanked by the rescued in person. The scene was heartwarming.