Page 22 - 消防月刊3月號
P. 22

臺南市政府消防局緊急救護 E 化上線
工作研討 Tainan City Fire Station Has Digitalized Its Emergency Rescue Service, Ensuring the Safety of Its Residents from the Cloud
◆ 圖.文 / 臺南市政府消防局 陳貞榮
近年臺南市的古都文化魅力、慢慢開展出許多文創聚落,更加吸引外地民眾前來觀光或移居 臺南,城市人口也有慢慢集中之趨勢,相對救護勤務量也逐年增加,每年救護案件近 10 萬趟次, 近 3 千件為 OHCA 患者,平均每 5 分鐘就有市民請求 119 救護車援助,臺南市政府消防局局長李 明峯秉持著「做得更好,市民過得更好」的理念,戮力於提升臺南市到院前急救成功率,提升給 藥處置率及優化,積極配置救護裝備器材如自動心肺復甦機、電子影像喉頭鏡與 12 導程心電圖機。
In recent years, Tainan City, as a lively ancient capital of Taiwan, has developed into a cultural and creative cluster. Many people are drawn to Tainan city for travel or even decide to move there. As the number of city dwellers increases, so do the cases of emergency rescue year by year. For example, there are up to a hundred thousand cases per year, 3% of which is related to OHCA. And on average, residents dial 119 for ambulances every five minutes.
Seeking to promote the well-being of Tainan city residents, the head of Tainan City Fire Station Li Ming-feng has spared no effort to increase the survival rate of OHCA patients, to enhance the efficiency of the medication administration process, and to purchase and allocate more lifesaving equipment such as mechanical CPR devices, video laryngoscope portables and 12-leads ECGs.

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