Page 14 - 消防月刊2月號
P. 14

 人物專訪    人物專訪 山域救援先鋒─ 專訪宜蘭縣政府消防局陳秋霞科員 The Mountain Rescue Vanguard in Yilan County Fire Department EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW  ◆ 圖 . 文 / 消防月刊編輯室、宜蘭縣政府消防局 109 年 1 月 2 日上午,多數人還沉浸在新年的氛圍裡,宜蘭縣政府消防局救災救護指揮中心 傳來令人震驚的消息,國防部黑鷹直升機迫降於烘爐地桶後溪谷山區,接獲通知的第一線消防員 立即整裝動員,動身前往可能的失事地—桶後溪谷,此時宜蘭縣政府消防局的陳秋霞科員也收到 消息進入山區參與搜尋。 「阿姐」是局內對陳秋霞科員的暱稱,也透露出秋霞姊的資深的消防經驗,從事消防工作長 達 17 年,秋霞姊長年協助山域事故案件的救援,擁有相當豐富的經驗,是宜蘭縣政府消防局山域 救援最堅強的後盾。 On the morning of Jan. 2nd, 2020 when most people were still celebrating the new year, shocking news came to the emergency operation center of Yilan County Fire Department──the military Black Hawk helicopter had been forced to land on the mountainside of Hunglodei Tonghou. Firefighters were instantly sent to the possible crash site. Meanwhile, Chen Chiu-hsia, an officer from the department, also joined the mountain search. With 17 years in firefighting, “A Jie” was what Chen was called by her colleagues, showing how senior she was. Chen has assisted mountain accidents for many years. With rich experience, she is arguably the most precious asset to Yilan County Fire Department. 09 

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