Page 52 - 消防月刊
P. 52

 工作研討   工作研討 107 年消防特考班結訓演練 成果展回顧 A Review of the Presentation Given by 2018 Firefighting Special Examination Class  WORK DISCUSSION  ◆ 圖.文 / 內政部消防署 傅光廷 消防特考班學員至消防署訓練中心受訓 1 年,針對火搶、救護、水域救生及救助等各項技巧 進行磨練,自 99 年消防特考班開始,延續有展演的傳統,初期因受訓學員人數不多,以裝備器材 展示、訓練成果影音等靜態方式呈現,人數陸續增加後,以火搶、救護、水域救生及救助等 4 大 項動態展演為主,由各屆消防特考班學員發揮創意,統籌規劃年度成果展演。 Students of firefighting special examination class receive a yearlong training in the training center of the National Fire Agency. The training items include fire rescue, life support, water saving and rescue skills. As of 2010, it has become a tradition for the students to present their training result. For the first few years, it was mainly conducted in a static way, through video recording and demonstration of the equipment, due to lack of the training members. As the number grows, the presentation becomes more vivid, incorporating fire rescue, life support, water saving and rescue. Now members of every class sessions have joined hands to deliver a brilliant year-end performance. 47 

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